World Finals : U S A President; Donald Trump Tweeted his Congratulations to France the winner : Extendes his greetings to President putin :


Ooop! , Russia 2018  FIFA World Cup  Is has just ended  And France is the “Winner”

The world’ biggest tournament  ,”FIFA World Cup ”  has just needed as France became the world Champions for the second time after claiming a victory of 4–2  against Croatia side who played their historic first ever World Cup Final.

U. S. A President  *Donald Trump  is the First World leader to congratulate France on twitter.  Trump also extended his greetings and appreciation to the President of Russia for hosting the World Cup.

He says

“Congratulations to France, who played extraordinary soccer, on winning the 2018 World Cup. Additionally, congratulations to President Putin and Russia for putting on a truly great World Cup Tournament — one of the best ever!” 

Posted by Onyekwelu Charles