World Religions Bow To Corona Virus Abandon Their Faiths– KOSERENAIJA – Les religions du monde s’inclinent devant le virus Corona abandonnant leurs croyances



Saudi Arabia was the first to announce the cancellation of pilgrimage to the kingdom over the fear of Corona Virus. This virus has succeeded in stopping the Muslim stone throwing at the devil . The virus is the known as the devil and it’s not respecter of anything.


The Vatican has also announced the cancellation of this year Easter celebration in their holy city (!Rome) because of Corona virus that is ravaging the city. The virus is not a respecter of sacraments or Holy Communion.


Ghana has bans all religious gathering for the next four weeks. No one will go to church for four weeks in that country. A devil is out of a science lab and it refuses to die by Holy Ghost fire.


In Lagos Nigeria, Sanwo Olu, has also announced the suspension of all religious gathering of more than 50 people in the state. All prayer and fasting will now be done indoor. Daddy GO, Pastor Enoch Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church who earlier brag that none of his members will be affected by the virus was the first to comply with the Lagos State Government’s directive asking his members to observe only house fellowship until the science came up with the solution. And now Nigeria Federal Government has finally ban religious gathering till further notice.


Americans government believes in God, they said it all the time ‘In God We Trust’. President Trump even declared a national day of prayers last week but there is a place of religion and science in their activities. When America needed to kill a terrorist troubling the peace of their land, they did not declare a day of fasting and prayer. They went into their laboratory and brought out a drone that can secretly go and do the job, even outside their territory. Science did it for them not prayers. There are many thing Science and Technology can do if we concentrate our energy on it.


Interestingly all the medical laboratories in the world are open with scientists working day and night to save the world from a virus that can wipe out the entire humanity. But the question is; Where are all the world’s powerful men of God who have the power to perform miracles ?



This situation brings us to the age long debate between Religion and Science. To some who believe that Science is God, this is their proud moment and to those who believes everything their priest tells them this a moment for a rethink and that is on a personal note.–KosereNaija 


On a general note and particularly in Africa, this period present us a unique opportunity to review our investments in religion and science and chose wisely.


In Africa, we have become so religious that no other things matter anymore. People do night vigils every day; they fast and pray 365 days a year. They become weak and tired at the end.

Before now, people use to go to Churches , Mosques and other worship grounds with faith to receive healing and even cast out evil spirits from whom they possessed but CoronaVirus has suddenly snatched the faith from all religious leaders. Don’t get me wrong, am only shocked about what is going on.


Check out our French translations below








L’Arabie Saudi  a été la première à annoncer l’annulation du pèlerinage dans le royaume par crainte du virus Corona. Ce virus a réussi à arrêter la pierre musulmane jetant sur le diable. Le virus est connu comme le diable et il ne respecte rien.


 Le Vatican a également annoncé l’annulation de la célébration de Pâques de cette année dans leur ville sainte (! Rome) à cause du virus Corona qui ravage la ville. Le virus ne fait pas acception des sacrements ou de la sainte communion.



 Le Ghana a interdit tous les rassemblements religieux pour les quatre prochaines semaines. Personne n’ira à l’église pendant quatre semaines dans ce pays. Un diable est sorti d’un laboratoire scientifique et il refuse de mourir par le feu du Saint-Esprit.


 À Lagos, au Nigéria, Sanwo Olu a également annoncé la suspension de tous les rassemblements religieux de plus de 50 personnes dans l’État. Toutes les prières et le jeûne se feront désormais à l’intérieur. Papa GO, le pasteur Enoch Adeboye de l’Église chrétienne rachetée qui s’est vanté plus tôt qu’aucun de ses membres ne sera affecté par le virus a été le premier à se conformer à la directive du gouvernement de l’État de Lagos demandant à ses membres de n’observer que la camaraderie jusqu’à ce que la science arrive la solution. Et maintenant, le gouvernement fédéral du Nigeria a finalement interdit les rassemblements religieux jusqu’à nouvel ordre.


Americans government believes in God, they said it all the time ‘In God We Trust’. President Trump even declared a national day of prayers last week but there is a place of religion and science in their activities. When America needed to kill a terrorist troubling the peace of their land, they did not declare a day of fasting and prayer. They went into their laboratory and brought out a drone that can secretly go and do the job, even outside their territory. Science did it for them not prayers. There are many thing Science and Technology can do if we concentrate our energy on it.


Interestingly all the medical laboratories in the world are open with scientists working day and night to save the world from a virus that can wipe out the entire humanity. But the question is; Where are all the world’s powerful men of God who have the power to perform miracles ?



This situation brings us to the age long debate between Religion and Science. To some who believe that Science is God, this is their proud moment and to those who believes everything their priest tells them this a moment for a rethink and that is on a personal note.–KosereNaija 


On a general note and particularly in Africa, this period present us a unique opportunity to review our investments in religion and science and chose wisely.


In Africa, we have become so religious that no other things matter anymore. People do night vigils every day; they fast and pray 365 days a year. They become weak and tired at the end.

En Afrique, nous sommes devenus si religieux qu’aucune autre chose ne compte plus. Les gens font des veillées de nuit tous les jours; ils jeûnent et prient 365 jours par an. Ils deviennent faibles et fatigués à la fin.


Avant maintenant, les gens se rendaient dans les églises, les mosquées et d’autres lieux de culte avec foi pour recevoir la guérison et même chasser les mauvais esprits dont ils possédaient, mais CoronaVirus a soudainement arraché la foi à tous les chefs religieux. Ne vous méprenez pas, je suis seulement choqué par ce qui se passe.