( ADVERTS ) Full stack software engineer gl technology Lagos
Full-stack Software engineer GL Technology — Lagos GL Tech is looking for a seasoned Full-stack Software Engineer(FSSE) with experience in building apps, Web-based applications, and other tools to join our Technology and Engineering team to help design, develop, integrate, and refine new Products features with experimentation across our(iOS and android)as well as […]

Kay I Biography : (Who Is Kay-i ?) – Kingsley Chibunnam Igwe : { Biographie de Kay i: Qui est Kay-i? }:- KosereNaija.
Kingsley Chibunnam Igwe is a Nigerian gospel song writer/singer popularly known as: Kay-i . Kay-i was born and bred in port Harcourt River State but hails from Ikwu-Ano local government Area Ntalakwu in Abia State. Kay-i was Born on the 27th march, 1993 as the last male child among seven children, six boys and one girls of the […]

[ Education ] PENTAVILLE SCHOOL , Creche, Nursery, Primary & College. Is The Best for the Child You Love. – KOSERENAIJA – L’ECOLE PENTAVILLE, Garderie, Primaire & College. Est le meilleur pour l’enfant que vous aimez.
The long vacation has ended and the new academic year is here. We find it very important to take your lovely kids to the best schools around as we recommend for you the; PENTAVILLE SCHOOLS, Creche, Nursery, Primary and College where educating your children is the passion of their teachers. PENTAVILLE SCHOOL is […]

wow! Nigerians business owner turns Lagos transportation bus called ” Danfo ” To Bar And Restaurant (Photos) – KOSERENAIJA – Hou la la! Un entrepreneur nigérian transforme l’autobus de transport de Lagos appelé “Danfo” en bar et restaurant (Photos)
CLICK HERE TO JOIN US ON WHATSAPP ( CLIQUEZ ICI POUR NOUS REJOINDRE SUR WHATSAPP ) A Nigerian Business owner turns Lagos state transportation bus popularly called; ” Danfo ” to Bar And Restaurant Instead being creative, some Nigerians still keep depending on the Government to create an enabling environment for their businesses to strive. […]

[ Health ] Why Men Should Avoid Smoking Marijuana When Trying To Conceive [La Santé ] Pourquoi les hommes devraient éviter de fumer de la marijuana en essayant de concevoir révéléPourquoi les hommes devraient éviter de fumer de la marijuana en essayant de concevoir révélé – KosereNaija
New Study Reveals Why Men Should Avoid Smoking Marijuana When Trying To Conceive A new study from Duke University Medical Center, United States reveals that the exposure to cannabis or Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by men in their child-bearing years alters the genetic profile of their sperm. The study also found that many outside factors can affect […]

The Power of Knowledge Tv Reality Show : For all tertiary institution in Nigeria || le pouvoir de la connaissance tv télé-réalité (pour toutes les institutions tertiaires au nigéria)
the unexpected dream is here as the power of knowledge tv reality show (for all tertiary institution in nigeria) brings to you the power of knowledge to all Nigerian student WHAT IS YOUR DREAM OR PASSION? are you a Student and you are ready to make thousands and millions of naira with your knowledge? then […]

Happy birthday 🍾🎂 to Miss Oyinkansola Showande Rebecca, popularly known as “Oyin” Oyin is an Ogun state Nigerian born professional hairstylist base in Lagos Nigeria On this very day; 30th of July, Oyin was born to the the family of 5 as the second female born Attended abiks international school for primary and graduated from […]

Choquant: Vous pouvez tomber enceinte, pendant la grossesse (Appelée Superfétation )
Appelé superfétation, c’est un phénomène rare où l’ovule de la femme est fécondé par le sperme tandis qu’un autre œuf est déjà en croissance dans l’utérus. Il existe une poignée de cas documentés de ce qui se passe chez les personnes et, selon une étude française en 2008, il y avait moins de 10 cas […]

Shocking: You can get pregnant,while pregnant(Called superfetation)
Called superfetation, it is rare phenomenon where woman’s egg is fertilised by sperm while another egg is already growing in womb. There are a handful of documented cases of it happening in people and according to a French study in 2008 there were less than 10 documented cases worldwide. However impossible or nightmarish it may […]

5 Reasons Why Women Keep Going Back To Their Ex-Boyfriends–KOSERENAIJA
You’ve broken up with him for whatever reason and now you find yourself texting him to say, ‘hi.’ Why? Why can’t you leave him alone and accept the relationship is finished? This may give you some insight into why you are not letting go of him: 1. Insecurity – No one wants to feel alone, and […]
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